
Management and Delivery of the Southeast Asia and Pacific Cyber Program

Tender ID: 574315

Tender Details

Tender #:
DFAT - 1023  
Publish Date:
3 December 2024
Closing Date:
17 January 2025

Tender Description

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from qualified industry suppliers to manage and deliver key components of its new 2024-2028 Southeast Asia and Pacific Cyber Program (‘SEA-PAC Cyber’, ‘Program’).

The Program aims to strengthen cyber security resilience across Southeast Asia and the Pacific by building cyber security capacity, improving incident response readiness, and fostering robust regulatory and governance environments for cyber security. It is a critical element of Australia’s broader international cyber engagement strategy, aligning with the 2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy.

This is a four-year, multi-million-dollar Program, with the option to extend for an additional four years on a similar budget envelope, if it achieves its objectives as verified through an independent mid-term review and end of Program evaluation. 

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