Northern Endeavour NE FPSO Recycle project
Tender ID: 570274
Tender Details
Tender Description
This procurement is for recycling of the FPSO and any furniture, fixtures, equipment, victuals or other on-board items and identified Hazardous Waste, following completion of preparation and removal activities and tow the FPSO. The FPSO will be transported by tow under a seperate procurement undertaken by the Commonwealth ot the nominated Ship Recycling Facility of the successful Tenderer in this procurement.
Other Instructions:
The NEDCOM FPSO Recycle RFT - Conditions of Tender document provides essential guidance for preparing your tender. It outlies the scope and location of services, which include recycling the FPSO (Vessel) and managing hazardous waste disposal as per the Statement of Requirement (SOR) in Annex G of Attachment D-1 or D-2. Services can be performed within Australia (Domestic Services), outside australia's jurisdiction (overseas Services), or a combination of both.
Domestic Services must comply with Australian legislation and policy, while Overseas Services must adhere to the legislation and policy of the jurisdiction where services are performed, with some compliance to Australian legislation as specified in the RFT.
Tenderers must include a Ship Recycle Facility Plan with their tender and, if successful, submit a Ship Recycling Plan for Commonwealth approval post contract. Tenders must meet technical, financial, and timeline requirements as outlined in the RFT.
Tenderers are required to submit completed Commercial, technical and Financial Response Forms. They must also comply with Minimum Content and Format Requirements, Conditions for Participation, and Essrntial Requirements, including obtaining Statement of Tax Record (STR) before submitting a tender. Tenderers can seek a preliminary view on their STR(s) before the RFT Closing Time. Details on applying for an STR are available on the Australian Tax Office Website. International tenderers not registered with the ATO should refer to the "Non registered with the ATO" section aqnd complete the 'Statement of tax record application form'. Non-compliance with these requirements may result in exclusion from the tender.
Tenderers must submity an executed Non-Disclosure Deed to access specific information. Industry Briefings will be held in October 2024 to discuss the commercial, technical, regulatory environment, and financial response requirements of the tender.
Conditions for Participation:
The Commonwealth will exclude a Tender from further consideration if:
(a) the Tenderer has any decisions against it (excluding decision under appeal) relating to employee entitlements for which any resulting order has not been satisfied;
(b). the Tenderer's Personnel, any proposed Subcontractor or any personnel, has been listed as terrorists under section 15 of the Charter of the United Nations Act 1945 (Cth) or named in the consolidated list.;
(c). the Tender is not a legal entity with the capacity to contract;
(d). the Tenderer does not:
i. hold all Valid and Satisvactory Statements of Tax Record required for its entity type, under A-2(d) of Attachment A to the RFT by the RFT CLsoing Time; and
ii. hold al Valid and Satisfactory Statements of Tax Record required for the entity type of any first tier Subcontractor that it proposes, as part of its TRender response, to engage to deliver the Services as part of a contracft resulting from a procurement with an estimated valyue of AUD$4 million (GST incluive); and
(e). the Tender is for delivery of part of the service; or
(f). the Tender is from a consortium or is a joint tender.
Timeframe for Delivery:
July 2025 - June 2028
Address for Lodgement: