
Level 2 Inspection & Valuation Bridges & Major Culverts

Tender ID: 567801

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
20 September 2024
Closing Date:
18 October 2024

Tender Description

Warrnambool City Council is seeking quotations from suitably qualified and experienced organisations or individuals to perform Level 2 bridge inspections and a valuation on all Council owned bridges, culverts and footbridges including all associated components. A list of all Council owned bridges are provided in Appendix B.

Level 2 bridge inspections are to be completed in accordance with VicRoads Road Structures Inspection manual and asset valuation must comply with relevant accounting standards AASB 13 Fair Value Measurement.

Warrnambool City Council (WCC) is a regional city council in South West Victoria with a population of 35,000 within a municipal area of just 120 km2. WCC owns a total of 11 bridges, 16 major culverts and 30 footbridges throughout the municipality. WCC’s Bridge Asset Management Plan identifies a 3 year cycle for undertaking a comprehensive bridge condition audit, with the last audit undertaken in 2021.

The objectives of the project are to:

  • Identify immediate maintenance tasks required to minimise risk to users.
  • Model and forecast changes in condition (deterioration modelling) and remaining life.
  • Identify structures where a detailed engineering (Level 3) inspection is required.
  • Update Council’s asset register.
  • Undertake a revaluation for each asset and its components including a review of useful life, replacement value, depreciation value and fair value for audit reporting purposes.

The successful contractor will condition rate and provide a fair value assessment to all the Bridges and Major Culvert assets listed in APPENDIX B. Condition and valuation data is required to be provided electronically in a format that can be easily integrated into Council’s Asset Management Systems (Conquest). Microsoft Excel is acceptable for this purposes. The report will be in PDF format.

The summary report will provide an overview of the state of Council’s bridge and major culvert assets and as a minimum will include:

  • Comprehensive report on the condition of bridge and major culvert assets.
  • The fair value of each asset including adopted methodology.
  • Photographs of all identified defects.
  • All matrices associated with condition assessments and condition scores presented in a tabular format.
  • A five (5) year maintenance/renewal program with costs associated by trade.


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