Evaluation of the Movember Veterans and First Responders Mental Health Grant Program
Tender ID: 460476
Tender Details
Tender #:
Publish Date:
19 June 2021
Closing Date:
7 July 2021
Tender Description
Movember is seeking to engage a consultancy to collaboratively scope, design, plan, deliver and report on an evaluation of the VFR Mental Health Grant Program.
Movember is the leading charity changing the face of men’s health on a global scale, focusing on mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. The charity raises funds to deliver innovative, breakthrough research and support programs that enable men to live happier, healthier and longer lives.
Men who work as first responders (police, fire, paramedics, and emergency services), and our veterans are likely to be exposed to a variety of workplace stressors throughout their careers, ranging from non-traumatic operational and organisational stressors to complex and potentially common traumatic events. However, currently there are few evidence-based programs to support these men.
Movember is investing AUD $6.34 million over the next two years to support veteran and first responder (VFR) mental health intervention projects across the seven participating countries (Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Ireland and Germany). A minimum of 11 individual mental health intervention projects will be funded with the aim of testing which interventions are effective in improving the mental health of VFR.
The overall aim of the evaluation is to determine the effectiveness, sustainability and scaleability of the mental health initiatives funded via the VFR Mental Health Grant Program.
More specifically, the evaluation hopes to:
- Determine the effectiveness of the individual grant funded projects, and the program as a whole, in improving the mental health and well-being, and the prevention of suicides, for participating veterans and first responders and/or families
- Determine the sustainability and scaleability of the individual grant funded projects that have shown to be effective, to determine which of these would be suitable for further scaling to other markets
- Determine the social return on investment (SROI) of the individual grant funded projects, and the program as a whole, considering the mental health outcomes that have been achieved against the investment made by Movember.
Details of how to apply:
Please review the attached (below) Request for Proposal document for further details about the evaluation and how to apply. Responses will be received via email to the designated Movember contact.
Western Australia
Great Southern
Mid West
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South West
New South Wales : Central West : Far North Coast : Far West : Hunter : Illawarra : Mid North Coast : Murray : New England : Orana : Riverina : Southern Highlands : Sydney
Queensland : Cairns & Far North Queensland : Gladstone : Mackay Whitsunday Region : Mount Isa & North West Region : Rockhampton : South East Queensland : South West & Darling Downs : The Central West : Townsville : Wide Bay Burnett
Victoria : Barwon South West : Gippsland : Grampians : Hume : Loddon Mallee : Melbourne
South Australia : Adelaide : Eyre & Western : Far North : Fleurieu & Kangaroo Island : Limestone Coast : Murray & Mallee : York & Mid North
Northern Territory : Big Rivers : Central Australia : East Arnhem : Greater Darwin
Australian Capital Territory
Outside Australia
New Zealand : Auckland : Bay of Plenty : Canterbury : Chatham Islands : Gisborne : Hawkes Bay : Kermadec : Manawatu-Wanganui : Marlborough : Nelson : Northland : Otago : Southland : Subantartic : Taranaki : Tasman-Nelson : Three Kings : Waikato : Wellington : West Coast
New South Wales : Central West : Far North Coast : Far West : Hunter : Illawarra : Mid North Coast : Murray : New England : Orana : Riverina : Southern Highlands : Sydney
Queensland : Cairns & Far North Queensland : Gladstone : Mackay Whitsunday Region : Mount Isa & North West Region : Rockhampton : South East Queensland : South West & Darling Downs : The Central West : Townsville : Wide Bay Burnett
Victoria : Barwon South West : Gippsland : Grampians : Hume : Loddon Mallee : Melbourne
South Australia : Adelaide : Eyre & Western : Far North : Fleurieu & Kangaroo Island : Limestone Coast : Murray & Mallee : York & Mid North
Northern Territory : Big Rivers : Central Australia : East Arnhem : Greater Darwin
Australian Capital Territory
Outside Australia
New Zealand : Auckland : Bay of Plenty : Canterbury : Chatham Islands : Gisborne : Hawkes Bay : Kermadec : Manawatu-Wanganui : Marlborough : Nelson : Northland : Otago : Southland : Subantartic : Taranaki : Tasman-Nelson : Three Kings : Waikato : Wellington : West Coast
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