
Heritage Advisory Service

Tender ID: 273055

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
30 June 2016
Awarded Date:

Tender Description

Glenelg Shire Council is seeking Tenders for Heritage Advisor Services to provide expert advice and support to Council in achieving the maximum possible conservation and promotion of places of cultural significance within the local area, especially those heritage places subject to statutory protection under planning schemes.

Places of cultural significance may include buildings; structures; historic sites; historic precincts; cemeteries; archaeological sites etc.

It is anticipated that the Contract shall commence 23 August 2016 and conclude on the 23 August 2018 with an option to extend the period of the contract an extra 2 x 1 year option as the discretion of Council.

Technical enquiries are to be directed to Mr Matt Berry, Planning Manager, Glenelg Shire Council, on (03) 5522-2307.

The Closing Date for Tenders is 3.00pm on Thursday 30 June 2016.

Late tenders will not be considered.


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