Fatigue Works West Gate Bridge
Tender ID: 272791
Tender Details
Tender Description
The project involves inspection and repair of a number of fatigue-prone details and weld repairs to details to reduce the risk of fatigue cracks in the future. It includes provision of access for the works. Most of the details to be treated are on the outside of the bridge and because of the need to avoid interference with traffic on the bridge they cannot be accessed from the Bridge deck.
A Registration of Interest and Confidentiality Deed Poll are downloadable from this web site.
The Registration of Interest and Confidentiality Deed Poll are to be completed and returned to Rebecca Chase at the West Gate Bridge Management Office located at 10 Sardine Street, Port Melbourne, Vic 3207 or emailed to rebecca.chase@roads.vic.gov.au.
Registration of Interest closes on Wednesday 15 June 2016.
Following successful Registration of Interest and Confidentiality Deed Poll submission, Tender Documents will then be released to registered Tenderers.