Detailed Design and Documentation Streetscape and Public Realm Works, Ferrars Street
Tender ID: 267870
Tender Details
Tender Description
Tenders are invited for the provision of consulting services to deliver detailed design and construction documentation of approved concept designs for the Ferrars Street Education and Community Precinct (FSECP) Streetscape and Public Realm.
To view a copy of the specification, please follow the link below.
Submissions will be received in envelopes clearly marked Detailed Design and Documentation Streetscape and Public Realm Works, Ferrars Street Education and Community Precinct Tender No. 2008 and are to be lodged in the tender box at the St Kilda Town Hall, corner Brighton Road and Carlisle Street, St Kilda or electronically (via the link below) by 12.00 pm on Wednesday 04 May 2016.
Note: The Tenderlink online forum closes three business days prior to the abovementioned tender closing date.
Council reserves the right not to accept the lowest or any Tender, or part thereof.
Tenders received after the closing time will not be considered.