Natural Heritage Trust Southern Bentwing Bat Project Services
Tender ID: 574185
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Southern Bentwing Bat (SBWB) Project is an Australian Government Natural Heritage Trust funded project with $1.5 million budget to deliver priority recovery actions for the Critically Endangered Southern Bentwing Bat in the Limestone Coast of South Australia prior to 30 June 2028.
The services of a suitable supplier are sought to support delivery of project services. The scope of services to be delivered by the supplier include installing/maintaining specialised monitoring equipment (PIT reader, video counting system, ultrasonic recorders) and analysing and summarising data to monitor the SBWB population.
The supplier will also be responsible for community engagement deliverables and will support the delivery of other project services including the delivery of on ground works, data management, project output monitoring and reporting.