Westland High School - Toilet & Science Lab Refurbishment
Tender ID: 568302
Tender Details
Tender Description
As part of Westland High Schools 10YPP, their 3no science labs and 2x toilet blocks are in need of a refurbishment and reconfiguration.
Works will have to be scheduled between science labs and toilets, this will have to be agreed with the school to minimise disruption during the term time and to ensure the health and safety of all school users during active works.
The works will need to be split into 2 stages as the school can only accommodate the loss of 2 science labs at a time and 1 toilet block. This could look at the following:
Stage 1: 2no Science Labs and Resource Room and Block A Toilets
Stage 2: 1no Science Lab and Block B Toilets
The consent documentation will refer to works in Block E; this is not part of the tender. This is part of a separate project with works already completed.