
Funding and Disclosure Technology Solution

Tender ID: 561906

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
16 July 2024
Closing Date:
8 August 2024

Tender Description

This Tender is invited by the Issuer.

This Request for Information (RFI) is an invitation to the market to submit information relating to an extensible technology solution for the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) in relation to the administration of the Funding and Disclosure Scheme (Scheme).

This RFI is intended to obtain information from industry to inform a technology solution to address the recommendations from the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters (JSCEM) report on the Conduct of the 2022 federal election and other matters[1].

This RFI is not a procurement and is not commencing a procurement. No contract for the acquisition of goods or services will result from participation in this RFI. Participation in this RFI is not a pre-requisite to responding to any future open approach to market that may be undertaken by the AEC.

The existing Funding and Disclosure landscape consists of several systems developed and updated to meet specific legislative requirements. These systems are at their maximum capacity and capability and are unlikely to be able to accommodate the full suite of the proposed JSCEM changes. A technology-focused refresh would be a central tenet to accommodate potential incoming legislative change, and preparing the AEC to be able to continue to meet regulatory requirements and respond to any future legislative and administrative changes.

The RFI seeks to understand the likely size, scope, and cost of replacing existing systems, and developing new business capability on modern, agile, extensible and scalable platforms. Any proposed platforms would need to be capable of responding to changing legislative and regulatory requirements, focus on improving stakeholder user experience, and enhancing the AEC’s operational efficiency.

Any future procurement (if any) would seek to encourage innovative solutions that can be implemented within the AEC’s guardrails, architectural principles, and integration with core enterprise capabilities. As such, information provided in response to this RFI should take this into account.

[1] Conduct of the 2022 federal election and other matters – Parliament of Australia (

The users and their needs

The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) is an independent statutory authority established under the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918. The AEC is funded to deliver one key outcome:

Maintain an impartial and independent electoral system for eligible voters through active electoral roll management, efficient delivery of polling services and targeted education and public awareness programs.

The AEC is responsible for the operation of the federal electoral system in Australia, which includes:

  • conducting federal parliamentary elections, by-elections, referendums and plebiscites,
  • maintaining the Commonwealth electoral roll including supporting arrangements with State and Territory electoral bodies,
  • conducting elections for the Torres Strait Regional Authority, industrial organisations and various other non-parliamentary elections as required (industrial and commercial elections),
  • providing electoral information and education programs,
  • providing party registration and funding and disclosure services to parties and candidates,
  • providing information and advice on electoral matters to parliament, the government, and government departments and authorities,
  • conducting and promoting research into electoral matters, and
  • assisting in the conduct of certain approved foreign elections and referendums.

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