Function Safety Engineering Support Services
Tender ID: 520359
Tender Details
Tender Description
Scope of Work
Rio Tinto Iron Ore (RTIO) has introduced D7 Functional Safety Standard and adopt the best industry practices to manage the risks relating to automated assets. It is required to ensure projects and operational teams, when conducting functional safety activities have access to adequate capabilities from business partners and external vendors. The intent of creating a Functional Safety MSA and vendor panel is to assess and establish contracts with suitable vendors. This will help to drive consistency and quality of Functional safety scope and deliverables. Also it will improve efficiency and reduced timeframe of FS vendors commercial engagement.
Engineering Support services
Functional Safety vendors will be requested as per specific project scopes to conduct a subset of tasks listed below:
1. Concept and Scope definition workshops
2. Development of Functional Safety Management Plans (FSMPs)
3. Hazard Analysis: Planning, facilitation and reporting:
3.1 Hazard Identification (HAZID)
3.2 Hazard & Operability (HAZOP)
3.3 Event Tree Analysis (ETA)
3.4 Functional Failure Analysis (FFA)
3.5 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
3.6 Failure Modes, Effects, Diagnostics Analysis (FMEDA)
3.7 Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA)
4. ALARP / SFAIRP demonstration
5. Development of Safety Requirements Specifications (SRS)
6. Hardware Design Specification and SIL Verification
7. Functional Safety Assessments (FSA)
8. Impact analysis of safety modification request
9. Verification and validation activities
10. Development of Functional Safety Operations and Maintenance documentation
11. Development of configuration management plans
12. Development of Installation & Commissioning Plan
Further Notification
This scope of work is a summary description of goods and/or services that may be required by Rio Tinto and may be subject to change in Rio Tinto’s absolute discretion.
Your business capability statement, as stored on your portal profile, may be downloaded and referenced when the responses to the expression of interest are reviewed. It is recommended that Suppliers review the portal business details section to ensure all information, including contact email address, annual turnover and employee numbers, is current and accurate.
As this is an Expression of Interest (EOI) only, the specifics of the package of work relating to breadth of scope, location and timing may be subject to change. If successful, the Supplier/s will be notified of any changes prior to award.