2021-22 Seniors Grants

Tender ID: 473338

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
13 October 2021
Closing Date:
01 February 2022

Tender Description


In the ACT we have a proud tradition of celebrating active ageing and recognising the many positive ways in which older Canberrans are involved throughout our community. Australians are increasingly living longer and maintaining good health later in life is more important than ever. This presents both opportunities and challenges in ensuring people who want to remain active or remain working later on in life are able to do so.

The ACT Public Health Emergency, including the COVID-19 lockdown and restrictions, has also presented challenges in the way older Canberrans connect, access support and participate in our communities.

The Inclusion and Participation Division within the Community Services Directorate is pleased to announce the 2021-22 ACT Seniors Grant Program (the Program).


The Program provides funding for innovative projects that promote seniors as valued members of the ACT community and enable their active participation in community life. The Program has a particular emphasis on supporting projects which address the areas of elder abuse, enhanced social inclusion, and those that address the needs of diverse seniors, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander elders and culturally and linguistically diverse seniors.

Additionally, the Program will provide funding for projects that take into account the evolving COVID-19 environment, including projects that both respond to issues older people are experiencing as a result of the pandemic and projects that have capacity to adapt to ACT Public Health Directions.

Funding priorities

Applications are sought for projects in the following priority areas:

Respect and inclusion of seniors

This priority targets the wellbeing and participation of seniors. Types of projects include:

  • Supporting seniors to be able to live well, with dignity, safety and purpose. This includes activities to better understand and/or address factors that contribute to increasing the risk of vulnerability or marginalisation of seniors. This could include but is not limited to projects which focus on issues such as older persons, homelessness, financial pressures and/or social isolation.
  • Projects, activities or initiatives which assist older Canberrans to participate in all aspects of community life, be it through work, volunteering, art, sport and/or skills development. This includes projects that enhance whole of community engagement with seniors.
  • Projects that encourage older Canberrans to engage in activities in local outdoor community spaces, which support active, healthy living and reduce social isolation.

Awareness of elder abuse and supported decision making

Projects, activities or initiatives that contribute towards raising awareness and the prevention of elder abuse within the ACT community.

This includes, but is not limited to projects which:

  • focus on the diverse experiences of elder abuse, including culturally and linguistically diverse seniors and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander seniors;
  • provide education and promotion of supported decision making over substitute decision making for older people; and
  • education, information and awareness raising in relation to end of life planning.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander seniors

Projects, activities or initiatives which relate to the priorities listed in the guidelines above that focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

COVID-19 Response and Recovery

Projects, activities and initiatives which respond to the needs of older Canberrans in relation to the COVID-9 Public Health Directions, including but not limited to a focus on reconnection, digital literacy and re-engagement of community groups. This also includes the capacity of projects to adapt to the evolving COVID-19 environment, including changes in ACT Public Health Directions which may impact delivery.

Available funding

A total of $80,000 (GST exclusive) is available through the 2021‑22 Seniors Grant Program across all funding priorities.

Grants are one-off for the programs/activities/initiatives specified and are not intended as a recurring funding source.

Eligible community organisations operating in the ACT may apply for a non-recurrent grant of up to $10,000 (GST exclusive) for projects which will be completed by 30 July 2022 that support the Program’s funding priorities.

If more than one (1) organisation applies for funding to work together to deliver a project, the total funding provided for the project cannot exceed $10,000.

Eligibility requirements

Eligibility criteria
To be eligible, applicants must meet all of the following criteria:

1. The applicant organisation must be one of the following:

  • a not-for-profit incorporated association or company;
  • a not-for-profit organisation with other legal status; or
  • a not-for-profit organisation in an auspice arrangement with one of the above
  • (a or b).
  • Applicants (or auspice organisations) must have a current public liability insurance policy with a cover of a minimum of $10 million.
  • Provide programs/activities for the benefit of residents of the ACT.
  • Have no overdue reporting obligations for any previous ACT Government grant including: evaluations, acquittal reports and audited financial statements.
  • Applicants cannot be individuals, profit making groups, government entities or