Wool Marketing Contract Mannus Correctional Centre
Tender ID: 354158
Tender Details
Tender Description
Tenders are invited for the marketing of the wool of Approx 3500 Sheep at Mannus Correctional Centre. Tenders are to include all costs of sales, marketing strategies, supervision and advice necessary for wool classing, fee's, support and any other services or advice that may be offered in support of your application.
Tenders must be submitted no latter than 3.30pm on 30/05/2018 to the Mannus correctional Centre.
The successful tender will operate for 3 years and be subject to review after this period.
For enquiries please contact
Mr Anthony Shore (02) 6941 0333.
Email anthony.shore@justice.nsw.gov.au or
Mr Steven Goldspink (02) 6941 0333.
Email steven.goldspink@justice.nsw.gov.au.
Tender forms are available from Mannus Correctional Centre General Office.