
Request for: Suicide Prevention Coordinators- Perth Metropolitan Area

Tender ID: 290880

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
9 December 2016
Awarded Date:
27 January 2017

Tender Description

The Mental Health Commission is seeking an organisation to provide a team of three (3) Suicide Prevention Coordinator positions in the Perth metropolitan area. Centralising the coordinators in a single organisation will enable them to provide effective collegial support, cover periods of leave, respond to critical incidents in a timely manner and provide a heightened service in areas of greater need.

The Coordinators will work with relevant service providers at a regional and local level to support the development and implementation of programs that increase local community and service provider capacity to identify and respond to suicidal ideation and related behaviour in an appropriate manner, reduce stigmatising behaviour towards mental health and support services and community in postvention responses.

The service will be available across the Perth metropolitan area as defined by the North, East and South Metropolitan Health Services area.

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