Regional Waste Management Services - Coffs Coast Waste Services
Tender ID: 287308
Tender Details
Tender Description
Tenders are invited for the Regional Waste Management Services - Bellingen Shire, Coffs Harbour City and Nambucca Shire Councils.
Suitably qualified companies may lodge a tender for the following Regional Waste Management Services for the three Local Government Areas which form the Coffs Coast Waste Services - Bellingen Shire, Coffs Harbour City and Nambucca Shire Councils. The services comprise of two parts:
PART A: Collection of 3 bin domestic and non-domestic collection service, Servicing of transfer stations - haulage of bulk materials, Pump out effluent and transfer to WRP and Associated services.
PART B: Receipt and Processing of Recyclables and associated services.
Tenders close at 3.30PM on Thursday 15 December 2016 and submissions must be fully received by this time.