
Automated Inventory and Billing Management Solution

Tender ID: 285990

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
26 October 2016
Awarded Date:
02 February 2018

Tender Description

The Queensland Government is seeking Proposals for the delivery of a fit for purpose solution that partially or fully automates the inventory and billing management process and provides a holistic approach to inventory management.

For further information please see the following documents:
* Invitation to Offer
* Attachment 1 - Specification
* Attachment 2 - Response Schedule Spreadsheet
* Schedule C1 General Order
* Schedule C - Price and Payment Spreadsheet
* Module Order 10 Cloud Services
* Module Order 8 ICT Contracting Services
* Module Order 3 Licensed Software
* Module Order 5 Software Support Services
* Schedule S9 - Approved Parties
* Schedule C2 Intellectual Property Ownership Model 2 Contractor Owned
* ;Schedule S2 - Project Implementation and Payment Plan Example
* Schedule S11 Acceptance Testing Example
* Schedule S6 Deed of Confidentiality Sample
* Schedule S10 Deed of Privacy Sample


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