Provision of Schedule of Rates for Plumbing Services for Building Maintenance/Repair
Tender ID: 284848
Tender Details
Tender Description
Tenders are invited from suitably qualified and experienced contractors for the provision of a Schedule of Rates for Plumbing services for Building Maintenance and Repairs, contractors panel. The tender specification can be obtained from this website.
Tenders close at noon on Tuesday October 11, 2016.
Submissions should be lodged in the Electronic Tender Box on this website or the Tender Box on the Ground Floor, City Offices, 104 Hovell Street, Wodonga, Vic 3690 by the time and date nominated.
Late or Facsimiled submissions will not be accepted.
The Contact Person for technical assistance is Jim Maher on (02) 6022-9226. For tender assistance please contact Peter Whitmarsh on (02) 6022-9318 or Kerrianne Bradbery on (02) 6022-9220.