
Bulk Earthworks Central Package - CH 18900 to CH 22610

Tender ID: 282733

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
9 September 2016
Awarded Date:
26 March 2019

Tender Description

The Toowoomba Second Range Crossing (TSRC) involves the construction of a 43km long bypass around the northern side of Toowoomba. It will connect the Warrego Highway at Helidon Spa in the East with the Gore Highway at Athol in the West, via Charlton.

The TSRC Project is divided in three (3) sections as follows:
* Eastern Section: Warrego Hwy East (CH 0) to TSRC Viaduct (CH 17467);
* Central Section: TSRC Viaduct (CH 17467) to Boundary St. (CH 22610); and
* Western Section: Boundary St. (CH 22610) to Gore Highway Interchange (CH 43010)

The works required under this EOI are for the Central Section of the Project.

Bulk Earthworks scope is for CH18900 to CH22610 of the Central Section. The scope of works will include:
* 1.25 million cubic metres of cut to fill earthworks;
* Be completed on Toll Road of the TSRC from CH 18900 to CH 22610;
* Topsoil strip, embankment foundation treatments, subgrade treatments, drainage blankets to complete the scope of works to subgrade level;
* Drill and blast up to 630,000 cubic metres and as required; and
* Construct longitudinal concrete bench drainage, batter chutes and catch drains along project alignment from CH 18900 to CH 22610.

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