
Footpath Upgrade Sections Of Bath St & Stott Tce

Tender ID: 273799

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
23 June 2016
Awarded Date:
03 February 2017

Tender Description

Tenders addressed to the Chief Executive Officer shall be submitted on the forms provided by the principal in Volume 4, Tender Submission Documents, and are to be enclosed in a sealed envelope and the envelope marked legibly as follows:
Contract No: 2016 - 16ST
Tender For: Footpath Upgrade Sections of Bath ST & Stott TCE
And either:
Delivered by hand or by courier and placed in the Tender Box in the reception area at the Civic Centre, this is on the corner of Gregory Terrace and Todd Street, Alice Springs.
Mailed to the Tender Box addressed as follows: PO Box 1071, Alice Springs NT 0871.

So as to be received before the closing time and date for tenders.
Time: 3.00pm
Date: Thursday 23 June 2016.

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