
Cleaning Services to Nominated Council Children Service Centres

Tender ID: 273054

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
21 June 2016
Awarded Date:

Tender Description

Glenelg Shire Council is seeking tenders from qualified and experienced companies or sole operators for cleaning services as specified to the following to the nominated Council Children Services.

The cleaning services will be required to be performed at three locations:
* Karreeta Peeneeyt Mara - Portland Child and Family Complex, 94-96 Julia Street, Portland, Victoria;
* Jaycee Kindergarten, 68 Wellington Road, Portland, Victoria and;
* Kalbarri Kindergarten11 Mitchell Crescent Portland Victoria.

The term of the contract will be from 1 September 2016 for the period ending 30 June 2019 with two (2) x one (1) year options to extend at Council's discretion.

Council reserves the right to award the tender for all three locations or, alternatively, award the tender to individual companies per location on the strength and value of the tender submission.

Important: Site visit have been arranged for prospective tenderers on Wednesday, 8 June 2016 as follows:
Jaycee Kinder: 12 pm to 1.00 pm;
Kalbarri Kinder: 1.00 pm to 2.00 pm;
Karreeta Peeneeyt Mara - Portland Child and Family Complex: 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm.

Enquiries are to be directed to the following persons:
Ms Karen Meyrick, Team Leader Education and Care (Kindergartens): Telephone: (03) 5522-2102 and;
Ms Jodi Nepean Centre Coordinator, Karreeta Peeneeyt Mara - Portland Child and Family Complex: Telephone: (03) 5522-2213.

For enquiries or assistance of a contractual nature, please contact Tony McCarthy, Contracts Manager, Glenelg Shire Council on (03) 5522-2193.

The closing date of Tenders is 3.00pm on Tuesday 21st June 2016.

Late tenders will not be considered.


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