
Public Roads - Remora Road, Harbour Road, Macarthur Avenue, Hercules Street Civil Works - Precinct 3, Northshore Hamilton

Tender ID: 269522

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
24 May 2016
Awarded Date:
08 December 2016

Tender Description

Economic Development Queensland (EDQ) invites tenders to civil contractors for construction of Remora Road, Harbour Road, Macarthur Avenue, Hercules Street Civil Works within Precinct 3, Northshore Hamilton.

The project requires the delivery of all works to construct the new roads including:
* Site preparation
* Earthworks
* Roadworks
* Stormwater drainage
* Water reticulation
* Sewer reticulation
* Electrical, lighting and communications
* Landscaping
* Traffic management.

The Contractor is to have the National Prequalification for Civil (Road and Bridge) Construction with Levels R3 and F20.

Please provide a construction program for this project, indicating in detail, the manner in which the works are to be constructed. Works are planned to commence approximately late July 2016.

Electrical, lighting, communications and service relocations (APA gas and Telstra) are still being finalised at the time of invitation. Further detail regarding these items will be forwarded out as either an Addendum notice to tenderers during the tender period or as post tender correspondence with the preferred tenderer or shortlisted tenderers.


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