
Preferred Supplier Arrangement for Traffic Control Services

Tender ID: 268549

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
17 May 2016
Awarded Date:

Tender Description

RCM/12/2016 - Council is seeking to establish a Preferred Supplier Arrangement (PSA) with suitably experienced and qualified Contractors for the Provision of Traffic Control Services.

This arrangement will not negate the requirement for competitive tenders or quotations for projects or services that arise that are not covered within the specified requirements or are beyond the capability or capacity of the Contractors on the arrangement, in compliance with relevant legislation.

For the avoidance of doubt Council does not guarantee that any organisation listed on the arrangement will be utilised, nor is there any guarantee of committed minimum spend with any Contractor.

The Final Date for Accepting Questions

The final date for accepting questions regarding this tender via, any medium including but not limited to LG Tenderbox Forum, is 5:00pm Thursday, 12 May 2016. Any questions after this date will not receive a response.


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