
Woolgoolga to Ballina Project - Ancillary Site Compounds, Sections 3 - 11

Tender ID: 266391

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
6 May 2016
Awarded Date:
15 December 2016

Tender Description

This is a Quality Assurance contract.

Suitably qualified Contractors are invited to tender for the design and construct of the Ancillary Site Compounds. The scope of works includes, but is not limited to, detailed design of the principal’s project offices, site preparation, drainage, site access, supply, delivery, installation, commissioning of compounds and the demobilisation and rehabilitation of the site at the completion of Upgrade in accordance with all relevant legislation and standards.

The RFT must be marked “Woolgoolga to Ballina, Ancillary Site Compounds, Sections 3 - 11” and must logded electronically via TeamBinder™.

A pre-tender meeting and site inspection will be held at Maclean Service Club, 38 River Street, on a date and time to be advised. Attendance is mandatory in order to submit a conforming tender. Tenderers registering for these documents will be advised of the full details of the meeting.

This tender provides opportunity for local industry participation.

The NSW Government’s Code of Practice for Procurement (NSW Code) and the NSW Government's Implementation Guidelines to the NSW Code of Practice for Procurement for: Building and Construction Industry (NSW Guidelines) apply to this project. Compliance with the NSW Code and NSW Guidelines is a pre-requisite to submitting any response to a procurement process (expression of interest or tender response) and to any successful applications being awarded.

Copies of the NSW Code and NSW Guidelines are available at and respectively.

The project is fully funded by the Australian and NSW governments.

The Building Code 2013, applies to this project. This document is available at

It is a requirement for this project that the successful contractor be accredited under the Australian Government Building and Construction OHS Accreditation Scheme at the time of entering into the contract for the contract work and while the contract work is being carried out. Information on the Scheme is available on the Australian Government website at

A general information document about eTendering with the RMS is available from


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