Support Vessels for Jack Up Rig
Tender ID: 265956
Tender Details
Tender Description
Chevron Australia Pty Ltd (Chevron) has issued a Request for Information (RFI) from contractors who are able to supply vessels capable of meeting the scope of work below.
Scope of Work
The TVI Retirement Project requires vessel support for a Jack Up Rig including supply, towing, anchor handling and rig move operations as detailed below:
* Tug as Tow Vessel for in - field tows between locations;
* Towing and positioning the rig at a platform. The rig will complete its campaign over 9 different locations - requiring a rig move from one location to another and positioning at the new location;
* Supply/Standby operations utilising a suitably moored or DP2 vessel - to perform following services:
* 24/7 operations.
* Transit runs between Chevron nominated port and Jack Up Rig.
* Fuel collection/transfer from nominated bunkering facility to Jack Up Rig.
* Safety Standby as required at Jack Up Rig.
* Anchor handling as and when required for setting pre-lays or buoy moorings dependent on location;
* Initial supply operations at commencement of operations; and
* Any other services within vessel capability that may be requested.
Vessel Requirements
To support the above requirements it is proposed to have:
* 1 x Anchor Handling Tug Supply (AHTS) (100T BP/DP2 min);
* This vessel will be the primary support vessel providing majority of the services defined above.
* The vessel will be required for a fixed term charter of 6 months with 5 x 1 month, 2 x 7 day and 14 x 1 day options to extend.
* 2 x 60T BP tugs.
* Tugs will be required to support the 9 rig move and positioning activities (Approx. 4 days per rig move).
* These tugs will be required on an ad-hoc basis for a 6 month period with 5 x 1 month, 2 x 7 day and 14 x 1 day options to extend.
All vessels must be fully compliant with Chevron ABU Marine OE standards and if DP2 capable and to be operated in DP2 mode, the vessel must be in accordance with DP-2 class requirements.
All vessels must meet or exceed Australian standards with regard to certification of crews, manning levels and accommodation standards. All vessels must also comply with the latest AQIS regulations and all other applicable Australian regulations and legislation.