
Supply and Installation Solar PV at Museum

Tender ID: 261148

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
8 March 2016
Awarded Date:
05 February 2020

Tender Description

Tenders are invited and will be received up to 2pm Tuesday 8 March 2016 for:
Supply and Installation of a roof-mounted Solar PV system at the Newcastle Regional Museum.

Documents are available electronically at

Alternatively, a compact disk is available for a non-refundable fee of $35 GST inclusive from the Customer Enquiry Centre, Ground Floor City Administration Centre, 282 King Street, Newcastle, 2300 or by calling (02) 4974 2030.

Responsibility for lodgement by the deadline lies solely with the tenderer. Lodgement information is provided in the tender document. Council is not bound to accept the lowest tender or any tender submitted.

Enquiries must be directed to Adam Clarke on telephone (02) 4974 2550.

A non-mandatory pre-tender meeting will be held on Thursday, 25 February, 10am at Newcastle Museum, 6 Workshop Way, Newcastle NSW 2300). Attendance is at the tenderer's expense.


New South Wales   :   Hunter  

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