
Supply and Delivery of a Patient Meals Re-Thermalising System for Royal Perth Hospit

Tender ID: 250100

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
18 December 2015
Awarded Date:
06 April 2016

Tender Description

This Request seeks to procure a Patient Meals Re-Thermalising System for the reheating of cook chill foods for Royal Perth Hospital (RPH), Department of Health WA. RPH does not have a food production facility, other than catering for some special diets, with the majority of its catering being primarily a pre-prepared food distribution service.

Currently, meals provided to patients are delivered to site in a prepared and cooked state. Patient meals are cold plated on an existing conveyor line located in the Central Distribution Area located on level 1 “A” Block (refer to Attachment 2 Pantry Locations). Breakfast plated from 06.00am, Lunch is plated at 10.00am, Dinner plated at 15.00pm. Completed trays are taken off the conveyor line and loaded into a Transflex insert, which is in an Isoflex trolley, and the Transflex cassette is then loaded into Novaflex ovens.

Nine (9) Novaflex ovens are located in three (3) satellite pantries on Levels 3, 5 and 6 in “R” Block of RPH. For re-thermalising, catering staff tow the loaded Isoflex trolleys using a compact ride-on electric tug to the satellite pantries and load the Transflex cassette into the Novaflex trolleys.

After the re-thermalising process has occurred, the Transflex cassettes are then unloaded from the Novaflex ovens into the Isoflex trolleys and then pushed to the wards for bedside delivery. Dirty trays and tray-ware are collected from the patient bedside and reloaded back into the Isoflex trolleys and then returned to the dishwashing area on level 1 “A” block for dishwashing. Catering staff have full control of the plating of meals, meal delivery and collection service and dishwashing of all returned trays and tray-ware.

Royal Perth Hospital now requires manufacture in accordance with the Schedule 2 Statement of Requirements / Specification, supply, installation and commissioning of a suitable Patient Meals Re-Thermalising System.

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