
Supply and Delivery of Asphalt Overlay Works

Tender ID: 245286

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
10 November 2015
Awarded Date:
10 December 2015

Tender Description

Mareeba Shire Council is calling tenders to undertake the above works.

Obtaining Documentation: The tender documentation may be obtained by contacting Council’s Procurement Officer, Maree Lopez on (07) 4086 4692 or email

Changes: Section 228(7) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 relating to changes to Tenders may be applied.

Lodgement of Tenders: Tenders must be lodged in the Tender Box at the Mareeba Shire Council Administration Centre at 65 Rankin Street, Mareeba by the Closing Time.

Closing Time: The Closing Time for lodgement of Tenders is 11.00am on Tuesday 10 November 2015.

The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

Peter Franks
Chief Executive Officer

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