
Conveyor Gearboxes and Drives

Tender ID: 240261

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
10 September 2015
Awarded Date:
11 September 2018

Tender Description

Conveyor drives will range from 90kW to 900kW of installed power. The total number of conveyor drives required for this project is 18.

Conveyor drives will be supplied with:
* Electric motor
* Gear reducer
* High speed flexible coupling
* Low speed rigid coupling
* Disc brake on the high speed shaft (if required)
* Holdback (if required)
* Common mounting base complete with torque arm
* Safety guards

The equipment shall comply with the following statutory requirements.

* The Queensland Mines and Quarrying Safety and Health Act and Regulations
* Work Health and Safety Act (Qld)

The design shall conform to all codes, standards, rules and regulations governing in the State of Queensland, Australia and all authorities having jurisdiction over the site. Suppliers shall be responsible for applying and obtaining the necessary Statutory Stamps, Approvals and Certifications for all materials and equipment covered by this specification.

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