
Cleaning Services for Central Metro Based Facilities - Group 5

Tender ID: 231327

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
16 July 2015
Awarded Date:
24 August 2016

Tender Description

WA Police is seeking provision of cleaning services at the following sites:

* 297 Hay Street, East Perth (Sex Offender Management Division);
* 144 Stirling Street, Perth (Hatch Building, Major Crime Division);
* 79 Stirling Street, Perth (Sex Crimes Division);
* 441 Murray Street, Perth (Business Infrastructure Division); and
* 256 Adelaide Terrace, Perth (Septimus Roe Centre, Professional Standards Division).

Please note the following: Respondents are required to submit offers for ALL sites. WA Police will appoint ONE Contractor for all sites.

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