
Cylinder Gases

Tender ID: 226529

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
29 May 2015
Awarded Date:
21 June 2016

Tender Description

Chevron  Australia  is  seeking  expressions  of  interest  from vendors interested  in supplying cylinder gases.

The cylinder gases required include:
* Industrial gases;
* Laboratory gases;
* Instrumentation gases;
* Calibration gases; and
* Specialty cylinder gases.

The supplier is to be working in accordance with:
* Australian  Standards  (AS  1940) - The  storage  and  handling  of  Flammable  and Combustible Liquids.
* Australian Dangerous Goods code (ADG7) - Land Transport of Dangerous Goods across Australia (except for the Northern Territory).
* Australian Standards (AS 2568) - Medical gases – Purity of Compressed Medical Breathing Air
* Medical  Gases  manufactured  to  European  Pharmacopoeia  specifications  (3rd edition 2001)
* Australian Standards (AS 2030) - The verification, filling, inspection, testing and maintenance  of cylinders  for  storage  and  transport  of  compressed  gases - Cylinders for compressed gases other than acetyle.
* Australian  Standards  (AS  2875)  All oy  steel  cylinders  for  compressed  gases - Seamless - 0.1 kg to 500 kg
* Australian Standards (AS 2473) Valves for compressed gas cylinders

Supplier’s quality system should meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2000.

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