
Oil Spill Contingency Services

Tender ID: 217837

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
13 March 2015
Awarded Date:
23 September 2015

Tender Description

The provision of Oil Spill Contingency Services is an important component of the present construction, operational and environmental program for the Company’s Australasian Strategic Business Unit (ABU) oil asset operations at Barrow (BWI) and Thevenard (TVI) Islands, the Gorgon Project and the Wheatstone Project.

Contractor shall provide suitably qualified and experienced personnel to assist with the design, documentation and implementation of Chevron’s Oil Spill Preparedness Program, the main areas included being:

* Oil Spill Contingency Planning - assistance with the development of Oil Spill Contingency Plans to ensure they are robust, ‘fit for purpose’ and meet the relevant Regulatory and Client requirements.
* Oil Spill Training - assistance with the development and facilitation of training programs, these may include but are not be limited to:
 International Maritime Organisation (IMO) International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response & Co-operation (OPRC) (IMO – OPRC) Level 1
 IMO - OPRC Level 2
 IMO - OPRC Level 3
 Shoreline Cleanup, Response and Shoreline Cleanup & Assessment Technique (SCAT)
 Aerial Surveillance
 Oiled Wildlife Response Training
 Incident Command System Training
* Drills and Exercises – assistance with the development and facilitation of Companies exercise program.
* Secondment – provision of key agreed personnel to support Chevron's oil spill planning activities in Australia to ensure a high level of oil spill emergency response preparedness is achieved, working under the direction of Chevron to agreed work schedules and deliverables or other related tasks that fall within the Contractor’s capability. Any Visa requirements shall be the responsibility of and managed by the Contractor.

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