
Hocker Shade Structures - Provision & Installation

Tender ID: 210783

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
9 January 2015
Awarded Date:
26 November 2015

Tender Description

The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, the following.

* Transport of the shade structure steelwork and associated infrastructure required for erection between Victoria Park and the Principals storage yard.
* Once excavated clean and prepare Hairpin in-ground footings and hold down bolts in preparation for the erection of shade structure.
* Erection, maintenance, dismantle and removal of all elements of the Hocker Shade structures inclusive of shade vinyl skins, gable fabrics, base plates, hold down steelwork and ballast.
* Provide condition and engineering installation certification documentation prior to the Event.
* Attendance, surveillance, and maintenance of all shade structure elements pre, post and during the Event.

A comprehensive Scope of Works will be provided to the applicants chosen to proceed to the tendering stage.

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