
Yamba Boat Harbour Facilities Upgrade

Tender ID: 207027

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
18 December 2014
Awarded Date:
06 March 2015

Tender Description

Yamba Boat Harbour Facilities Upgrade

The work required to be carried out under the Contract shall include the provision of supervision, labour, plant and equipment required to complete the refurbishment the jetty fender pile system, the staged replacement of 19 catwalk structures, and upgrade of the associated services as detailed in the tender document.

This work shall include but not be limited to:

Pile Replacement:

* Cut & remove existing top section of fender piles (24 nos) including all fixings;
* Fabricate/paint steel casings with brackets and fixtures, erect and place concrete as detailed;
* Supply & install all other components, timber packers & waling;
* Supply & assemble fenders, Rubbing Strips;
* Supply & fix brackets, anchors, shackles, eye bolts and chains.

Electrical & Water Services Upgrade:

* Supply electrical services including replacement of existing distribution boards as identified to include individual berth sub-metering;
* Provision and connection of electrical cabling to existing supply;
* Replace all damaged electrical outlets or those deemed as past their used by dates throughout the site;
* Installation of water outlets at each catwalk and stand style fire hydrants on the shoreline;
* Provisional item to replace and trench water main line.

Catwalk Replacement:

* Demolition and removal of the existing 19 catwalks and associated materials;
* Preparation and installation of the specified protective coating system to the existing mooring piles including removal and reinstatement of pile rubbing strips and removal of mooring cleats and catwalk attachment frame;
* Construction of 19 concrete catwalk foundations on the shoreline;
* Install fixings to the mooring piles to receive catwalk support bracket, mooring rings and power and water connection points;
* Supply and installation of aluminum frame catwalk structures and FRP or similar decking;
* Supply and installation of wharf furniture including, handrails, electrical and water supply conduits;


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