NDRRA 2013 Restoration Works – Gravel Roads – Submissions 6 and 7
Tender ID: 205677
Tender Details
Tender Description
Tablelands Regional Council invites Tenders for NDRRA 2013 Restoration Works – Gravel Roads – Submissions 6 and 7.
Obtaining Documentation: Tender documentation prepared by Council may be obtained by contacting Council’s Procurement Officer, Italo Curcio on (07) 4089 2410 or email: italoc@trc.qld.gov.au.
Changes: Regulation 228(7) of the Local Government Regulation 2012, relating to changes to Tenders may be applied.
Lodgement of Tenders: Tenders must be lodged in the Tender Box of Tablelands Regional Council at 45 Mabel Street, Atherton by the Closing Time.
Closing Time: The Closing Time for lodgement of Tenders is 11:00 am AEST on Tuesday 25 November 2014.
Tenders will be opened publicly.
Council reserves the right not to accept the lowest or any tender.
Ian Church
PO Box 573