Werrington Arterial Road Upgrade
Tender ID: 202943
Tender Details
Tender Description
This is a quality assurance contract.
This project is jointly funded by the Australian and NSW governments.
The upgrade includes widening two kilometres of Kent Road and Gipps Street, at Claremont Meadows, between the M4 Motorway and the Great Western Highway from two lanes to four lanes (two lanes in each direction). In addition, two new east-facing ramps would be built connecting Kent Road to and from the M4 Motorway. A new shared path bridge would be built over the M4 and there would be modifications to the existing Kent Road bridge over the M4.
Tenders are invited from contractors pre-qualified with RMS under the National Prequalification System for Civil (Road & Bridge) Construction Contracts at Roadworks R4, Bridgeworks B3 and Financial Level F50 for the construction of the Werrington Arterial Road (currently Gipps St & Kent Rd) from M4 to Great Western Highway.
Other pre-qualification levels include:
* Concrete Paving – K2
* Asphalt Paving – A2
* Pre-tensioned concrete – C2
* Minor Steel Fabrication – SM
* Traffic Control – G
* Earthworks and Drainage – D&E
* Erosion and Sediment Control - S
The NSW Government’s Code of Practice for the Building and Construction Industry (NSW Code) and the NSW Government’s Implementation Guidelines to the NSW Code of Practice for the Building and Construction Industry (NSW Guidelines) apply to this Project. Compliance with the NSW Code and NSW Guidelines is a pre-requisite to submitting any response to a procurement process (expression of interest or tender response) and to any successful applicant being awarded. Copies of the NSW Code and NSW Guidelines are available at www.industrialrelations.nsw.gov.au.
All Tenderers must comply with the NSW Government Code of Practice for Procurement.
The National Code of Practice for the Construction Industry, in accordance with the Australian Government Implementation Guidelines for the National Code of Practice for the Construction Industry, May 2012, applies to this project. This document can be viewed at the Australian Government website at www.deewr.gov.au/building.
The Building Code 2013 applies to this project. This document is available at www.employment.gov.au/BuildingCode.
It is a requirement for this project that the successful contractor be accredited under the Australian Government Building and Construction WHS Accreditation Scheme at the time of entering into the contract for the contract work and while the contract work is being carried out. Information on the Scheme is available on the Australian Government website at www.fsc.gov.au.
A pre-tender meeting, including a site inspection will be held at 11am on Wednesday 22nd October at the Claremont Meadows Community Centre (Sunflower Drive, Claremont Meadows). Attendance is mandatory in order to submit a conforming tender.