
Design and Construction for the Replacement of the Denham Recreational Jetty, Shire of Shark Bay

Tender ID: 201866

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
31 October 2014
Awarded Date:
13 January 2015

Tender Description

The Tender is for works to design and construct a new recreational jetty, including the removal of the existing jetty, at Denham Maritime Facilities in the Shire of Shark Bay. The work is summarised below and the Works under this Contract (Works) are anticipated to commence in early December 2014 and finalise in late September 2015.

Anticipated Scope of Works

The Works include but are not limited to:

* Design, management and supervision of the Works;
* Preparation and submission of Designs, Technical Specifications, Drawings, Management Plans, Risk Register and the like in accordance with the Specification;
* Removal and disposal  of existing recreational jetty, including undertaking a sea bed clean up;
* Design, supply, certification and installation of all piling works, including mooring piles, installation of corrosion protection systems and testing and commissioning of piles;
* Design, supply, fabrication and installation of the jetty, including earthworks, abutment, precast concrete decking, steel support structure, steel piles, fenders, bollards, ladders, steel and concrete protection systems, utility services and all associated fittings and fixtures;
* Investigation, design, supply, fabrication, installation and commissioning of services (power, water and lighting) to the jetty as required by the Specification; and
* Preparation and submission of Operation and Maintenance Manuals at the completion of the jetty, including a Whole of Life Cycle Cost (WLCC) and recommendations to minimise the WLCC.


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