HW10 Pacific Highway upgrade Halfway Creek to Glenguie (Section 2)
Tender ID: 197457
Tender Details
Tender Description
This is a Quality Assurance Contract.
All tenderers must comply with the NSW Government’s Code of Practice for Procurement.
This is a joint Federal and State funded project.
The Building Code 2013 (Building Code) and the Supporting Guidelines to the Building Code 2013 (Supporting Guidelines) applies to this project. This document can be viewed at the Australian Government website at www.deewr.gov.au/building-code-2013.
Tenders are invited from suitably qualified Contractors for the upgrade of HW10 Pacific Highway, Halfway Creek to Glenugie section. The scope of works involves duplication and construction of dual carriageways of Highway No. 10 the Pacific Highway, associated bridges and local road adjustments.
The works are approximately 15km in length and extend from the existing Halfway Creek duplication to the existing Glenugie upgrade.
The Head Contractor / Sub-Contractor must be pre-qualified with RMS in following criteria, applicable to both contracts.
Head Contractor:
* Roadworks Class R5 or higher
* Bridgeworks Class B3 or higher
* Financial Level F100 or higher
* Current accreditation under the NSW Government WHS&R Management System Guidelines for RMS Work and accredited under the Australian Government Building and Construction OHS Accreditation Scheme, established by the Building and Construction Industry Improvement Act 2005
Head Contractor/Sub-Contractor:
* Pre-tensioned concrete Class C2 or higher
* Concrete Paving Class K2 or higher
* Asphalt Work Class A2 or higher
* Traffic Control – Registered in Category G : Traffic Control
* Earthworks and Drainage – Pre-qualified for Roadworks or registered in Category E : Earthworks or Category D : Drainage, respectively
* Laboratory Testing (including Sampling) – Registered in Category L2 : Construction Industry Laboratories
* Erosion and Sedimentation Control – Registered in Category S : Erosion, Sedimentation and Soil Conservation Consultancy Services
* Bridge Formwork – Prequalified for Bridgeworks or Registered in Category F : Formwork
* Supply of Minor Steel items – Prequalified for Steel Fabrication or Registered at Class SM or higher
* Stabilisation of Earthwork – Prequalified for Roadworks or Registered in Category Z1 or with demonstrated experience in stabilisation for Road Authorities
A pre-tender meeting and a site inspection will be held at a date, time and location to be confirmed. Attendance is mandatory to submit a conforming tender. Tenderers purchasing the documents will be advised of the full details of the meeting.