For the Design and Construction of Prefabricated Garages and Coraki Works Depot
Tender ID: 195894
Tender Details
Tender Description
Tenders sealed and suitably endorsed are invited and will be received up to 2pm (NSW Time) Thursday 28 August 2014, for the Design and Construction of Prefabricated Garages at Council's Coraki works Depot.
Note: A compulsory pre-tender meeting will be held at 10am on Monday 11 August 2014, at 143 Queen Elizabeth Drive Coraki. Failure to have a representative at this meeting will disqualify.
EOI and tender documents and further information may be ovtained from council's Purchasing officer Colin Carey (02) 6660 0265.
The lowest of any tenders will not necessarily be accepted. Canvassing of councillors will disqualify.