
Relining of Gravity Sewer Mains

Tender ID: 194585

Tender Details

Tender #:
HSC 14/50  
Closing Date:
12 August 2014
Awarded Date:
24 September 2014

Tender Description

Tenders are invited for the structural relining of sewer gravity mains for DN150 and DN225 in varying lengths and the reinstatement of house connections within Ingham, in the Hinchinbrook Shire. The proposed works involved in relining the sewer mains include:

* Cleaning and clearing sewer mains of obstructions;
* Initial CCTV condition assessment;
* Installation of lining product;
* Reinstate house connections;
* Provide a final CCTV Inspection of the relined sewers; and
* The provision of As-Constructed Information and test records.

For further information please contact Council's Water and Sewerage Manager, Peter Martin, on 4776 4600 or email

Offers close at 2.00pm Tuesday 12 August 2014.


Queensland   :   Townsville  

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