
Provision of Nursing Staff for Perth Watch House

Tender ID: 192266

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
25 July 2014
Awarded Date:
30 January 2015

Tender Description

The Perth Watch House (PWH) is the Western Australia Police principal site for the detention of arrested persons awaiting their first appearance in court. These persons and others could be arrested for numerous reasons, which may possibly include being alcohol and/or drug affected and/or suffering from a mental health illness. The PWH may at times also manage persons awaiting extradition to other states in Australia or that have been arrested on outstanding warrants.

The primary requirement of WA Police is for a suitably experienced Respondent to provide a nursing service for the PWH.

WA Police require these services to provide a first point of contact for any persons who are deemed to require medical attention.

The service will determine whether:

* Treatment is required;
* Treatment can be undertaken on site; or
* The person is to be referred for additional medical treatment.

Potential Respondents should note that the intended requirement is a contract for the provision of a professional service and not an employment contract.

For details of the services required please refer to Schedule 2 – Specification/Statement of Requirements within the Attached Request document.

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