
Local Buy Tender for Open Spaces, Parks, Gardens and Playgrounds

Tender ID: 189950

Tender Details

Tender #:
BUS 244-0314  
Closing Date:
25 June 2014
Awarded Date:
18 January 2018

Tender Description

This Local Buy Tender is for the Provision of Open Spaces, Parks, Gardens and Playgrounds (BUS 244 – 0314 ) through a Preferred Supplier (PSA) Arrangement to Queensland local governments and other defined Purchasers.

This contract will replace the current arrangement BUS 201-0810 which is due to expire on the 31st July 2014.

To view Specifications, General Conditions of Contract etc, and complete the required documents for this tender please click on the below URL and REGISTER (Please note your LGTender box registration is not valid for APET360):

Local Buy recommends that you add the above URL to your browser favourites, so you don't have to log in via lgtenderbox everytime.

To Register for APET360: Click on the Contract Name and in the top right hand corner will be the options of Register or Sign In.

Once you have registered or signed in you can commence your response.

Please refer to the ? mark and / or Provider Reference Guide (available at Login Site of APET) for information on navigating and submitting your response within APET360.

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