Construction of Groundwater Monitoring Bores in the La Grange Area
Tender ID: 188352
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Department of Agriculture and Food (DAFWA) has been allocated funding under the Royalties for Regions initiative to undertake a groundwater investigation in the La Grange area. The investigation aims to improve DAFWA’s understanding of the hydrogeology and water resource potential of the region allowing for better management of present and planning of anticipated or potential future demand.
As part of the La Grange project, DAFWA aims to:
* Determine the extent and nature of the Broome Sandstone aquifer in the La Grange project area, which extends south from Roebuck Plains station to Mandora station and
* Install groundwater monitoring sites.
As part of this investigation new monitoring bores will be constructed. The construction and monitoring of these bores will provide data and information that will fill knowledge gaps and increase understanding of the groundwater resource. Four monitoring bore types will be drilled and constructed in the construction of groundwater monitoring bores in the La Grange area program.