Stage 1 Customer Billing Solution for TAFE NSW
Tender ID: 186981
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Department is seeking Tenders from suppliers who have the capability to supply the Customer Billing Solution for stage one.
Stage 1, which is the subject of this RFT, covers validation testing, provision of a blueprint, the supply of the software components and licences and the provision of annual maintenance and support for a period of five years after the activation of the licence key.
Stage 2, which is subject to a separate tendering process, includes the provision of software implementation and integration services and is not in scope in this RFT.
The benefits sought in delivering the objectives of the proposed agreement are:
* Revenue loss mitigation benefits;
* Reduced maintenance, support and training.
* Create levels of automation around the TAFE revenue management processes;
* The ability for TAFE NSW to effectively compete in a significantly more competitive educational environment;
* The increasing autonomy of Institutes and their business being supported by a more robust and confident revenue and reporting base;
* Enabling scenario modelling, management and response using revenue data;
* Reduced revenue leakage/loss from other billed revenue channels such as Vocational Education and Training Higher Education Loan Program, also known as VET FEE HELP, and commercial billing, which cannot currently be quantified;
* More accurate and timely cash flow information and reporting including input to profit and loss statements and consolidated TAFE NSW reporting.