Kingsgrove Depot Workshop Roof Replacement
Tender ID: 183294
Tender Details
Tender Description
State Transit is inviting Tenders from suitably qualified, experienced and licencedcontractors for replacing the Kingsgrove Depot workshop roof (the Works) as specified in the attached Invitation to Tender (ITT), including:
* Demolishing, removing and disposing of existing roofing and unsafe supports;
* Installing new Colorbond roof, insulation and mesh, supports, vents, drains and gutters, including all associated ancillary facilities and services;
* Completing the Works within 4 months from the Commencement Date; and
* Undertaking the Works in stages to minimise disruption to depot operations.
Tenders must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the requirements of the ITT, including the full details of the Works as set out in Part C Technical Specification.
State Transit will appoint a single Contractor for the Works, therefore the Tenderer must tender for the full requirement of this ITT as a prime contractor. Sub-contracting part of the requirement is acceptable.