Expressions of Interest for a Fire Systems Design Engineer
Tender ID: 182647
Tender Details
Tender Description
Carry out detailed design and scope out work packages ahead of tendering the upgrade of the site-wide fire alarm system. Integrate a parallel plant critical alarms system, expected to use fire alarming equipment for commonality of components and interfacing. Integrate a zoned emergency warning system shared for fire and plant critical alarms (distinct alarm tones etc).
This will cover the installation and interfacing of approximately 60 analogue addressable panels. Auxiliary equipment, such as deluge systems, which also require direct monitoring are required to be identified and interfaced as well.
Review all work done so far in order to use improved technology or monitoring methods if available.
Due to the size of the undertaking, the design must remain vendor-independent as much as practical (unless prompted by re-use of recent, up-to-date existing infrastructure in isolated instances) in order to allow for competitive tendering.
While some of the design details are expected to flow into the fire systems contractor's work package, the tendering documentation that will be produced needs to reflect the work required in an accurate and quantified manner in order to allow effective pricing by the vendors. We expect this work to require site visits to assess and understand the aspects of the systems in place that will be preserved area by area.
The person in charge of this design work must have intimate and detailed knowledge of available fire detection equipment and technology in order to be able to ensure compatibility and operational performance throughout.