
Electrical Contractor - Area F2 and Norris Road Fitzgibbon Chase - Fitzgibbon

Tender ID: 181260

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
18 March 2014
Awarded Date:
02 May 2014

Tender Description

Economic Development Queensland invites tenders for electrical reticulation of rate 2 street lighting, works, Norris Road in the Fitzgibbon Chase development, Norris Road, Fitzgibbon and electrical reticulation, street lighting, substations and communications and gas trenching works of Area F2, of the Fitzgibbon Chase development, Otway Circuit, Fitzgibbon.

The work for this contract includes the electrical reticulation, street lighting, substations and communications and gas trenching works for a 41 lot subdivision located in Area F Stage 2 at Fitzgibbon Chase.

 It is intended to novate the successful Electrical Contractor into the Civil Works contract.

 This is a single lump sum contract that has two separable portions (Area F2 and Norris Road). The bill of quantities does not form part of the contract.  They have been included for variation purposes only.


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