
Crows Nest Water Supply Network Upgrade Water Reticulation Extensions & Augmentations

Tender ID: 181195

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
1 April 2014
Awarded Date:
31 May 2014

Tender Description

Tenders are invited for the Lump Sum Contract for the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of new DN100 and DN150 water reticulation mains and associated works in five streets within the town of Crows Nest.  Tenders will be received electronically via LG tender box or alternatively in the Tender Box, Toowoomba Regional Council, Customer Service Centre, 4 Little Street, Toowoomba Q 4350, up until 2:00pm AEST on Tuesday, 1 April 2014.

In accordance with S 228 (7) of Local Government Regulation 2012, if Council changes the tender specifications, Council may invite all tenderers to change their tenders to take account of the change in the tender specifications before making a decision on the tenders.

The lowest or any submissions received will not necessarily be accepted.

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