
Provision of a Website

Tender ID: 179728

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
6 March 2014
Awarded Date:
15 April 2014

Tender Description

The DoW seeks products and services to implement a new website which reflects the emerging focus of the DoW as a modern, authoritative and commercially focused organisation.

The successful Respondent will be required to report to a Program Mangement Office (PMO), and will be required to undertake the scope of work below:

* Provide a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) Web Content Managment System that can meet the high level requirements defined in section (3) below;
* Gather user requirements from DoW's key stakeholders. The Respondent should assume that there are two stakeholder groups (internal and external) and that there up to eight stakeholders in each group to interact with;
* Design, build and test the web user interface in accordance with DoW's requirements, style guide and branding standards;
* Design and successfully implement a content management governance framework;
* Develop training documentation, and training for administrators and DoW trainers;
* Successfully deploy a new website to the DoW and transfer knowledge to website administrators, content owners and editors; and
* Provide ongoing software license support

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