
Upgrading of Schofields Road Stage 2 between Tallawong Road to Veron Road

Tender ID: 177954

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
12 March 2014
Awarded Date:
11 June 2014

Tender Description

This is a Quality Assurance contract.

All tenderers must comply with the NSW Government’s Code of Practice for Procurement.

The works in this contract comprise all activities associated with the upgrading and extension of approximately 3.6 km of Schofields Road, in Blacktown City Council area, between Tallawong Road to Veron Road, Schofields.  The existing two lane road is to be widened to a four lane divided carriageway with a wide median to allow for future widening to six lanes into the median.

The key features of construction generally include:

* Construction of 3.6km of new 4-lane dual carriageway;
* Installation of traffic signals;
* Drainage structures;
* Construction of new bridge structures;
* Construction of Soil Nail Walls;
* Construction of a shared pedestrian/cycle path;
* Utilities adjustments, including street lighting; and
* Design and installation of pits and conduits for an underground Intelligent Transport System.

Tenders are invited from contractors pre-qualified at Roadworks Class R5, Bridgeworks Class B3 and Financial F75 or higher. In addition, the contractor or any sub-contractor will require prequalification K1 for concrete paving and A1 for asphalt paving.

A pre-tender meeting and site inspection will be held at 10:30 am on Wednesday 19 February 2014, at the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) Site Office, Cnr of Richmond Road and South Street (Entrance off South Street).  Attendance at the meeting is mandatory in order to submit a conforming tender.

Tenders close at 2:30 pm on Wednesday 12 March 2014.

A general information document about e-Tendering with the RMS is available from

Further Information can be obtained by contacting Noel Clipsham, Project Manager, 02 8849 2518 or email


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