
Queensland Core Skills (QCS) Test Marking Operations Venue 2014-2016

Tender ID: 176218

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
20 February 2014
Awarded Date:
07 April 2014

Tender Description

Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) is inviting suitably qualified, experienced and licensed organisations to submit an offer for the provision of a suitable venue and associated services (incorporating appropriate facilities, amenities, resources for venue hire, on-site catering, security patrols, ICT connectivity, with an opportunity (as an option) to potentially also provide some furniture for the operations, and separate accommodation facilities for some attendees dependent upon location) to assist the Customer with its responsibilities.

The intention will be for an initial 1yr term contract with an option to extend for another 2 x 1yr terms, each 1yr term will only have one deliverable period of approximately 11 days in total. This project is of a time critical nature.

Services will be required for the next season of QCS Test Marking Operations due for delivery 19-29 September 2014 (inclusively).

The venue or venues (if adjoined) will be required to be within a 20km radius of South Brisbane QLD 4101 and have suitable parking on or around the vicinity of the site. It will be of a capacity to cope with an estimated 580 persons attending site during the most active component of the operations, where operational activities are mapped out in around 14 different rooms where each room is required to suit a certain amount of people for a certain activity.

It is critically important that the noise levels at the venue are at a minimum and non-existent in core areas to ensure there is no interruption to the concentration of test markers during the operations. Provision of the accommodation facilities (optional) will be either on-site or close to the facility and will only be required for an estimated 160 persons in twin or triple share rooms for up to approximately 7 nights, on average 6 nights, however guest quantities and length of stay varies.

It will be preferable that a sole contractor provide the combined goods and/or services and subcontract as required, however, there will also be consideration and opportunity for businesses to partner together in a consortium and submit a consortium offer where one party will be the lead contractor.

A summary of the requirements are – provision of following as specified as Mandatory;
*  Suitable venue with relevant resources and utilities including all required facilities and amenities;
*  On-site catering services for all meals;
*  Furniture and/or electrical/electronic equipment;
*  ICT equipment, on-site and on-call technical support services and data usage;
*  Security guard patrols; and
*  Dedicated on-site and on-call venue manager;

With the following specified as Optional;
*  Furniture and/or electrical/electronic equipment; and
*  Accommodation facilities on-site or locally off-site.

To ensure all offers are submitted in accordance with the requirements, offerors are invited to an Industry Briefing at 11.00am, Thursday 30 January 2014 at the Queensland Studies Authority, Training Room 7.2, Level 7, 154 Melbourne Street, South Brisbane QLD 4101. Approximately 1 hour should be allocated for this briefing.


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